As of: 02/13/2025
Stop ID# |
Stop name |
Direction of travel |
Location |
Special notes |
6993 | 104th Street & Muskegon | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
7092 | 104th Street & Torrence | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
6984 | 11000 S Torrence | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
7098 | 11000 S Torrence | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
6983 | 11100 S Torrence | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
7099 | 11100 S Torrence | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
7091 | 2700 E 104th Street | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
6991 | 2701 E 104th Street | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14140 | 69th Red Line Station | Westbound | Northside of the Street | Special variations, please check schedule |
10799 | 71st Street & Blackstone | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10846 | 71st Street & Calumet | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10785 | 71st Street & Calumet | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10824 | 71st Street & Clyde | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10807 | 71st Street & Clyde | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10804 | 71st Street & Constance | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10828 | 71st Street & Cornell | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10840 | 71st Street & Cottage Grove/S. Chicago | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10792 | 71st Street & Cottage Grove/S. Chicago | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10821 | 71st Street & Crandon | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
15759 | 71st Street & Crandon | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10827 | 71st Street & Cregier | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
10832 | 71st Street & Dante | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10833 | 71st Street & Dorchester | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10798 | 71st Street & Dorchester | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10802 | 71st Street & East End | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17090 | 71st Street & Eberhart | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
17148 | 71st Street & Eberhart | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10837 | 71st Street & Ellis | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
10794 | 71st Street & Ellis | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10826 | 71st Street & Euclid | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
10805 | 71st Street & Euclid | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10836 | 71st Street & Greenwood | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
10795 | 71st Street & Greenwood | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
15510 | 71st Street & Indiana | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10783 | 71st Street & Indiana | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
17968 | 71st Street & Jeffery | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
15162 | 71st Street & Jeffery | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10845 | 71st Street & King Drive | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10786 | 71st Street & King Drive | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10841 | 71st Street & Langley | Westbound | Northside of the Street | |
10790 | 71st Street & Langley | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10849 | 71st Street & Michigan | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10782 | 71st Street & Michigan | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10822 | 71st Street & Paxton | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10809 | 71st Street & Paxton | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10847 | 71st Street & Prairie | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10784 | 71st Street & Prairie | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10842 | 71st Street & St. Lawrence | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10789 | 71st Street & St. Lawrence | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10850 | 71st Street & State | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10781 | 71st Street & State | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10831 | 71st Street & Stony Island | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10801 | 71st Street & Stony Island | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10780 | 71st Street & Vincennes | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
18604 | 71st Street & Woodlawn | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10796 | 71st Street & Woodlawn | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
10819 | 71st Street & Yates | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10812 | 71st Street & Yates | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14642 | 73rd Street & Exchange | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10816 | 73rd Street & Yates | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
14884 | 75th Street & Coles | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
10962 | 75th Street & Coles | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14526 | 75th Street & Exchange | Eastbound | Southeast Corner | |
10851 | 75th Street & Lake Front Terminal | Westbound | Northside of the Street | Special variations, please check schedule |
14893 | 75th Street & South Shore | Westbound | Northwest Corner | |
10963 | 75th Street & South Shore | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
7066 | 83rd Street & Coles | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
7017 | 83rd Street & Coles | Eastbound | Southside of the Street | |
7067 | 83rd Street & Commercial | Westbound | Northeast Corner | |
7016 | 83rd Street & Commercial | Eastbound | Southwest Corner | |
6997 | Commercial & 100th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14946 | Commercial & 100th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7086 | Commercial & 101st Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6996 | Commercial & 101st Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
6995 | Commercial & 102nd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
17852 | Commercial & 102nd Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7088 | Commercial & 103rd Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6994 | Commercial & 103rd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7089 | Commercial & 104th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7014 | Commercial & 83rd Place | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7068 | Commercial & 83rd Place | Southbound | Westside of the Street | |
15253 | Commercial & 85th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7069 | Commercial & 85th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7070 | Commercial & 86th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7012 | Commercial & 86th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7071 | Commercial & 87th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7011 | Commercial & 87th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7072 | Commercial & 88th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7010 | Commercial & 88th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
15678 | Commercial & 89th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7073 | Commercial & 89th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7074 | Commercial & 90th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7008 | Commercial & 90th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18681 | Commercial & 91st Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
14542 | Commercial & 91st Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7006 | Commercial & 92nd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
18686 | Commercial & 92nd Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7077 | Commercial & 93rd Street/South Chicago | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7005 | Commercial & 93rd Street/South Chicago | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7004 | Commercial & 94th/Anthony | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7078 | Commercial & 94th/Anthony | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7080 | Commercial & 95th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7002 | Commercial & 95th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7081 | Commercial & 96th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7001 | Commercial & 96th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7082 | Commercial & 97th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7000 | Commercial & 97th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7083 | Commercial & 98th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6999 | Commercial & 98th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7084 | Commercial & 99th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6998 | Commercial & 99th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
10813 | Exchange & 72nd Street | Southeastbound | Northwest Corner | |
10814 | Exchange & 73rd Street | Southeastbound | Northwest Corner | |
18229 | Exchange & 74th Place | Northeastbound | Southwest Corner | |
14478 | Exchange & 74th Street | Southeastbound | Northwest Corner | |
14479 | Exchange & 74th Street | Northeastbound | Southeast Corner | |
7015 | Exchange & 83rd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
17545 | Exchange & 83rd Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7026 | S. Shore Drive & 76th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7057 | S. Shore Drive & 76th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7025 | S. Shore Drive & 77th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7058 | S. Shore Drive & 77th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7024 | S. Shore Drive & 78th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7059 | S. Shore Drive & 78th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7022 | S. Shore Drive & 79th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
15031 | S. Shore Drive & 79th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7021 | S. Shore Drive & 80th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7062 | S. Shore Drive & 80th Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7020 | S. Shore Drive & 81st Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7063 | S. Shore Drive & 81st Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7019 | S. Shore Drive & 82nd Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7064 | S. Shore Drive & 82nd Street | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
7018 | S. Shore Drive & 83rd Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7065 | S. Shore Drive & 83rd Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
7023 | S. Shore Drive & Cheltenham | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7060 | S. Shore Drive & Cheltenham | Southbound | Southwest Corner | |
6990 | Torrence & 104th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
7093 | Torrence & 105th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6989 | Torrence & 105th Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
14945 | Torrence & 106th Street | Northbound | Northeast Corner | |
7094 | Torrence & 106th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6987 | Torrence & 107th Street | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
7095 | Torrence & 107th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6986 | Torrence & 108th Street | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
7096 | Torrence & 108th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6985 | Torrence & 109th Street | Northbound | Eastside of the Street | |
7097 | Torrence & 109th Street | Southbound | Northwest Corner | |
6982 | Torrence & 112th Street Terminal | Eastbound | Bus Terminal | |
10817 | Yates & 72nd Street | Northbound | Southeast Corner | |
10818 | Yates & Exchange | Northbound | Southeast Corner |